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Single Superphosphate Fertilizer


用硫酸分解磷灰石制得的稱為普通過磷酸鈣,簡稱普鈣,主要成分為一水磷酸二氫、無水硫酸鈣和少量磷酸,含有效 磷14% ~ 20% ,其中80%~95%溶于水,屬水溶性速效磷肥,可直接作磷肥,也可用于制復合肥料。 普鈣是全元素綠色肥料,是世界上最早生產(chǎn)的一種磷肥,也是我國應用比較普遍的一種磷肥,為植物提供磷、硫、鈣、鎂等多種元素,具有改良堿性土壤的作用,能促進植物的發(fā)芽、長根、分枝、結(jié)實及成熟,可用作生產(chǎn)復混肥的原料

Ordinary superphosphate is made by decomposing apatite with sulfuric acid, which is called common superphosphate. Its main components are dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, anhydrous calcium sulfate and a small amount of phosphoric acid. It contains 14%~20% available phosphorus. Among them, 80%~95% are soluble in water. It is a water-soluble and quick-acting phosphate fertilizer. It can be directly used as phosphorus fertilizer and can also be used to make compound fertilizer. Pure calcium is a kind of green fertilizer with all elements. It is the earliest phosphorus fertilizer produced in the world. It is also a kind of phosphorus fertilizer widely used in China. It provides plants with phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and other elements. It can improve alkaline soil, promote plant germination, long roots, branching, fruiting and maturity, and can be used as a production compound. Fertilizer raw materials.

過磷酸鈣 Product Picture